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Sunday, August 30, 2009
Since Olivia is 4 now, it will change to the "Literal Mind of a 4 year old"

Olivia got new high heel sandals and LOVES to wear them wherever we go!
We went to Burger King the other night and played inside for a little bit because of rain.
Once it cleared up we decided to move to the outside playground and needed to get our shoes back on.
Joe sat Olivia down to help her with her shoes and said "Its gonna be hard to play with these shoes"....Olivia responded "Don't worry daddy, I am not going to play with them, I am going to wear them!"
Monday, August 24, 2009
After going over the day with the teacher, I decided I wanted to change to my 1st choice for Megan's day. Here in our district Kindy is only 1/2 day's so we were pushing to get her in both AM and PM.

So I decided since we only have the 1 on 1 1/2 day I would rather it be in the AM. So Meg will go in the AM fully included w/ a 1 on 1 with no pull outs. She will then stay for lunch to practice for 1st grade and then receive her Speech, OT and PT after lunch M-F. That way she goes from 9 to 1 and her day isn't as long and I still get my afternoons with her. That way she can still do dance class with Olivia too.

I was concerned mostly with safety. Meg would have been out on the playground with nobody watching just her and I worry that she may wonder or fall and get hurt trying to do what the other kids are doing and the last thing we want is daily runs to the nurse.

I know I could have fought for the 1 on 1 for the full day but I truly like the idea of just an extended 1/2 day for her. I don't want her getting tired and cranky and making the PM kids think she is always crabby. She will be on her "A" game in the AM since that is when she is happiest.

This was my ideal day for her and now we have it all squared away.

p.s. Meg was also approved for the Van, so she will get a car seat to go to school. We will do the bus next year when she is a little older and heavier.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Megan will be going to Full day Kindy in September. It is pretty much how I explained in my last post but opposite. Where the 1 on 1 will be there for PM....she will take her to lunch and recess and then into the PM.....She will have all her services in the AM.

I am so excited and so appreciative to her school for how much they are doing to make this all a success. We are going in Thursday to spend some time with her new teacher.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Our new team has put my fears of Kindergarten to rest. I was nervous that somehow she wasn't wanted there and she was going to be a burden and I would have to fight for what I wanted but that is not the case. The principal, the special ed supervisor and our case worker have made our experience so far exceptional. They have been so positive about Megan being in the right place and it has made me relax. I can now enjoy my girl growing up and moving on knowing we made the right choice.

I mentioned today in the meeting that a friend "Marlene, Aleena's mom" (I know this is not the case now) was doing AM and PM. So I mentioned that Megan would not do any pull-outs during one of the sessions and she could experience the class like the other children and then in the PM she could receive her therapies...and they all loved the idea. They are now going to work on logistics and see how they can extend the one on one for a few more hours.

So this is exactly how the day would work. Megan would take the van to school and be met by the 1 on 1. The 1 on 1 would walk her to the class room and get her settled. Meg would do the entire AM with her class w/ the 1 on 1 present. The 1 on 1 would take her to lunch at dismissal and then to another short recess w/ 1st grade and then she would do PM and have her therapists in and out of the room.
This would give Megan the chance to finish her work she started in AM which may take her longer and also have a double presentation to help her retain it better.
I hope this all works out and gets put in place soon so we can prepare.

Very excited about this!