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Friday, May 21, 2010
8:15 a.m. till 12:30 p.m.

Meeting Attendees: Both parents, principal, kindergarten teacher, 1st grade teacher, guidance counselor, speech therapist, occupational therapist, special educator, special education supervisor for district, IU consultant and IU assistive technology

IU consultant did a presentation to explain the SAS Toolkit.

We sat and brainstormed all of Megan's Strengths and Interests.

We then went through what level Megan is at in her reading, writing, phonics and math subjects.

After that, the 1st grade teacher filled out the poster sized toolkit page where we discussed areas of 1st grade, Megan' Strength's and what we could do to make her successful next year. (i.e. what supports, modifications or technologies that would help Megan be successful)

It was an amazing meeting. We will continue the discussion on June 1st. Will update again soon.


heidi marie said...


just letting everyone on my bloglist now that i have a new site now- http://mylittlecheekymonkeys.blogspot.com/. the site henry's mommie will no longer be in use. everything has been transferred over to my new site!! hope to see you there.
