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Saturday, August 16, 2008

A wonderful friend over at The Nut house invited me to attend a faux "Dinner Party." If I lived in Iowa, I would definitely eat dinner with this person at least once a week. She is an awesome person that I have meet before in real life and is always honest and beautiful! Check out her blog
, she is a hoot!
Here are the rules courtesy of Barking Mad.
You are going to have a dinner party! Oh yes you are. Well OK, not a REAL dinner party, but hey, if you're so inclined, more power to ya. Anyhow, you're having this swell dinner party and you are going to invite ten bloggers.
Create a post telling us who you are inviting and what about that person's writing makes you think they'd be an intriguing/funny/interesting person to share a meal with. What have you learned about these people through reading their blogs and what would you hope to learn about them through breaking bread with them?
Please Go to Barking Mad if you do this and sign the Mr. Linky saying you participated.
And here goes:
I would invite Renee at Three Little Lady Bugs because I love her to death! We have had dinner in Shrevport, LA, Atlanta, GA, Kansas City, MO and Boston, MA together but never at my house! So come on up to PA and have dinner with me and my family. We love our "Other Renee" LOL. She is a little golden glove, she is a true friend who I couldn't live without and not sure how I did it my 1st 27 years. She is always there for you when you need it. She would add true entertainment to our dinner party if we had some strawberry daquiries to share.
I would invite Bethany at Life with Bubba and Chicky because she is AWESOME. She wears more hats then I have room for in my house (Wife, Mom, friend, US Probation Officer, CEO, Blogger, advocate and now adopting). She is always honest and truthful and GREAT to have backing you up! She is an awesome friend. I would definitely have her at my dinner party because she would keep it going all night, especially if we used her navigational system, LOL.
I would invite Renee from My Special K's because she has the heart of Gold. Would never hurt a fly and advocates and supports so many. She keeps an amazing online journal of her daughter Kennedy and her other children and it touches so many lives. She would have to be at dinner because although she would say "let it go" we (meaning Renee, Bethany and I ) would be plotting to find Krista and KICK HER ASS! LOL.
I would invite Christinaover at Kwisteena's kwaziness because it would be so cool for her and all the above to finally get to all meet and hang out in person. We are all connected by each other and know each other but to have dinner all together in one room would be amazing (although we did at one time we didn't all really get to talk). Christina is an amazing blogger who is such a incredible person. I am always interested in her words of encouragement as I see her 2 daughters as what my 2little girls will become. She gives me a true glimpse into the future and she makes it look so incredibly awesome. Thank you!
I would invite McKenna from Our Blah Blah Blog because, what can I say, she is awesome, smart, funny and all those things you look for in a person. She is so not a person you can ever hate and she is so open and honest with her words that I always find motivation behind reading there. McKenna definitely deserves a seat at my table.
I would invite Jamie from the Tryon Family Blog. She is a one of a kind lady, truly! She has 2 gorgeous little girls with Down Syndrome. Not only is her story amazing and unique but she is too. She is such a cool person and I would love for her to be one of my seats at the dinner table.
I would invite Jennifer from Pinwheels and for obvious reasons. She is just another mom on this journey with us but I can tell you that we all look up to her. She has shared her intimate feelings with the world and in turn will make our world more accepting because of it. Her blog touches so many and her words will forever go on in time.
I would invite Ecki at Opposite Kids. I think she pretends ;) to be the shy one with a huge voice and powerful words. I have personally meet her and adore her. She is an awesome person who just wants to make a change. She would need a seat at our table because I want her to know she will always be included and treasured in my world.
I would invite Diane at Hidden Treasures. She is a little GIANT! She is so strong in her faith and position on this Earth and reading and surrounding myself in her friendship makes me feel like a better person. She will fight till the death when it comes to our children and she is always so confident in her purpose. She was always meant for big things and we need someone like her to round us out at the dinner.
And last but certainly not least Kristen from the Faulkner Family blog. If I told you there was a person on this Earth that had a heart the size of Texas you probably wouldn't believe it but she exists. Kristen would definietly have to be at that table. She is an amazing friend and person who would give you the shirt off her back(I hate this analogy for her because the shirt wouldn't be enough). She has been through so many rough times in her life but it has never kept her down or made her feel sorry for herself, her strength and wisdom are something I wish and pray for for myself. So with the above people, that would be one AMAZING SUPER!
And if I had time I would actually invite ALL OF YOU!
But this has been the longest and most tiring of my blogging with all the copy and pasting. I need a nap.

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Oh my goodness! I am so there!!! LOL! You make me cry with your kind words. I love having all of you as my friends. My life would have fallen apart a long time ago without you all. *muah*
Aw thanks for the compliment Steph! I enjoyed breaking bread with you in Philly......does beer count as bread? They both have yeast!
Shirley, you are too funny, yes beer counts!
LOL I love this! And I am quiet impressed ... a social blog entry this long Steph, good job! LOL And who is Krista? That went way over my head! LOL
ROFLOL yes, yes please. I won't stop you. Can we have this dinner party in Virginia!?! HA! HEY, Bethany's close, right? She can take care of it for me! I'll repost this soon!
oh how fun!! and of coures, you gotta love someone from IOWA!!
That's because Iowa is so awsome!! Since I had mine during state fair week i served everything on a stick ;) (in my mind that is)
There are so many cool people from Iowa? Shawn Johnson. Man you guys have it all!
Thanks for the invite GF. I would LOVE to really have dinner together sometime!
You're so sweet! Thanks for the invite! I love you and think you're also one of those people who has everything that you look for in a person! LOVE YA!
Aw shucks, you're awsome Steph! I actually read this post late at night on the train to Florida and meant to call you the next morning, but Disney World got in the way, LOL.
Okay, I was reading your post, and nodding my head all along. Saying to myself, yes, I too would enjoy surrounding myself at a dinner with all of these wonderful people. And then I get to my invite, and I can not tell you how sweet it was to think, that you would invite me to sit around a table, with you and all of these wonderful people! Very humbling. Thank you for the invite, I hope one day, we actually get to do this! What an honor that would be for me! Love, Di