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Monday, April 21, 2008
Do your LO's try to fit into the smallest and strangest of places? Megan finds a space and challeneges herself to fit which leaves us with this:


Leah Spring said...

HA!!! That last one has got to be my favorite!!! What a hoot! (missing you on downsyn, by the way!)

Melissa @ Banana Migraine said...

I love the top one! Too funny. Delphine likes to squeeze into small places too.

Michelle said...

gosh I love that kid. LOL

Christina said...

That is too funny!

JennyH said...

That is funny. My Joe likes to crawls in boxes -any box, big or small.

CJ Field said...

Ha ha! Too cute! If E isn't trying to hide away in a small space, she's busy climbing the tallest thing she can find to scurry up!

Milk Mama said...

LOL those photos gave me a smile! :) Your daughters are beautiful. They're about the same size. They look like twins! If I didn't know from your sidebar pics that they weren't, that's what I would've thought! :D

Tara Marie said...

Oh, these pictures brought back such wonderful memories.....Megan you are just precious!!!

SunflowerStories said...

So cute! Yes, Sean loves to crawl in tight spots. He adores helping me empty the dryer, so he can climb in it and sit for a bit. God forbid we actually STORE things under the bathroom sink- that's his clubhouse! LOL