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Tuesday, September 30, 2008
It started oh so very innocently when we listened to Bethany's Myspace page and now it has turned into this....

Dedicated to Renee and Bethany


Leslie Taylor said...

Oh My Goodness! That is so cute! I think I did something like that when I was little! So Cute!

Kristen said...

That was the funniest, cutest, sweetest video! I cracked up and then also went, awwwww, when the girls held hands at the end of the song!

Christina said...

LOL..so cute...we love the Backwards song too!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh!!! i have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. your girls crack me up!

Bethany said...

OH MY GOSH, is that country music playing in YOUR car? LOL I love it!

Bethany said...

Ohh yeah, that song was "I Love My Life" ... who sings it again? ROFL