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Thursday, January 3, 2008
So it looks like we are in the home stretch with Olivia.
She has been without her binky for 3 nights and today is her 4th day. She has stopped asking for it so far today which is a good sign.
Yesterday she said "my binky now"....I said, "I am sorry Olivia the New Year's Rabbit brought it to a new baby"....she responded with "no baby my binky"....she is too cute!
We told her New Year's Eve that the new Year Rabbit would be taking her binky's to a new baby and that she was a big girl in the New Year (we came up with a Rabbit cause she loves them THANKS JAMIE). She was not happy and the past three nights have been difficult but we made it through.
Me and Joe talked about it last night before bed and he confessed he would have given in if it were not for me. I did have to get up with her a lot because she was over tired and looking for her binky.
But so happy to say I believe we are BINKY FREE IN 2008 ALREADY!


Leah Spring said...

UGH! My Noah was a pacifier addict! You may not remember (and I don't know if they're still around) but when my kids were babies Playtex had this huge ugly rubber pacifier. Noah love it! He always had several with him. When he was 18 months old he was very into the word "broken" and would proptly put "broken" things in the garbage. So morning while he ate breakfast I cut the ends off all his pacifiers. We said, "Oh, they're broken. We should throw them away." He looked at us like we had three heads! "No broken pashis!" he said. Throughout the day he would sit in his rocker and try putting his finger in the end to make it work. When it didn't he'd put it in his pocket and pat it for safe keeping. It was a sad day to watch, really. That first night he cried about every 15 minutes and would reach for it in his sleep. His little hands searching frantically around the crib as he fretted and worried. We had a 24 hour walgreens right up the street, and it was sooo incredibly tempting to just go get a new one! The second night was a little better, and the 3rd even better than the 2nd. By the 4th night we were sleeping, and thankfully we never went back!

Stephanie said...

OH I hope that is the case here. Every nap and night time have been a pain.
Olivia's binky of choice is an infant one that she got at the hospital...so ugly and in sooooo many pictures....

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

wooohooo!! WTG mom!