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Thursday, September 4, 2008
Megan has had a dry (no pun intended) spell on her potty training for A LONG TIME. (Last time she went was in KC 07' for the NDSC conference and I think it was just showing off then in front of her friends). I was so sad that she seemed to be fighting me (and she may) but tonight for Daddy, MEGAN POOPIED ON THE POTTY, MEGAN POOPIED ON THE POTTY, LA LA LA LA LA LA! (our new song we dance to, which makes her giggle). We are having a PROUD happy moment tonight in our house and nothings gonna ruin it!


Melissa @ Banana Migraine said...

Yay!!! How exciting!

datri said...

WTG Megan! How wonderful!

The Parker Family said...

WTG NayNay's big girl!! Lacey & I are doing the dance with ya~~

Anonymous said...

Thats awsome Steph!!! WTG Megan!!

Mommy to those Special Ks said...


SunflowerStories said...

Way to go, Megan!!! Woo hoo!!!