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Sunday, March 8, 2009
Hi all, we have a busy schedule coming up with Megan and I would love to get your prayers. She goes in Tomorrow to CHOP for a sedated echo to check her heart. They want to make sure her low saturation levels are not from any missed heart issue. My concern is that they knock her out and her sat levels are so low they don't let us go home. Next Tuesday we go back to the eye doctor to see if she requires surgery or a stronger prescription for her A pattern estropia, so if we are stuck in the hospital we miss this appointment for the 2nd time and they get so mad....

I am truly worried about Megan she just has not been herself since her bout with pnuemonia in Nov/Dec. We see the pulminologist at the end of this month. And of course she is going through transition for Kindy and has missed her ST eval 2 times already, the report was due this Friday so the ST eval will be missing (UGH!)


Mommy to those Special Ks said...

We'll be praying Steph!!! I hope they can figure out whats going on and help her get back to herself soon! Keep us posted!

Melissa @ Banana Migraine said...

I hope it all goes well!! Good luck :)

datri said...

Praying all goes well.

Amy Flege said...

hope it went well!! i will be checking for an update!

JennyH said...

hope all is well and Megan is feeling good after her test.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Megan isn't her self because she is reflecting what she sees in you? I know you haven't been yourself since Grandmom passed and with your depression and chemicals you've put in your body. Maybe that has something to do with it? Like the saying goes Monkey see Monkey Do.