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Wednesday, November 28, 2007
I am trying to teach our last name to the girls so that when someone asks "what is your last name" they respond correctly. It is definitely a work in progress. I have a fear of Megan wondering away and never coming back. She literally would not care. I know that sounds terrible but it is the truth. It scares me to death. She would go up the scariest guy in a room and hold his hand and cuddle on his shoulder (I would like to think I am special but I am not). So here is a video of the 2nd day....I will update in a few weeks to see if we made any progress.

For now enjoy how they ignore me:
View this montage created at One True Media
My Montage 11/28/07


Leah Spring said...

Remember Angela's accident in August? If she goes anywhere other than school, she has to have her ID bracelet on! It's very difficult to understand her when she says her first and last name together. She can write Angela but I don't know if other people would be able to read it, and she can only sometimes write her last name. If she were to get lost, or God forbid be in another accident where the parent didn't survive? Nope...ID bracelets for us all the way! I won't do the shoe ones either. At the time of Angela's accident she was barefoot, and shoes have a way of disappearing during an accident. I vote for ID bracelets at all times for our kids!

Stephanie said...

Good suggestion....do you have first and last name on your ID Bracelet?

Leah Spring said...

I do have first and last name. There is controversy in that, but if my child is separated from me, I want them to be able to find me as fast as possible. If my child is in a situation where an unwanted person is flipping over her ID bracelet to read it, she's probably already in great danger.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't put your daughter's first name on their clothing where any wacko can see it and pretend to know them, but I think an ID bracelet would be a great idea. Any allergies or medications could go on there, too.
BTW, the video was priceless. Neither of them knows her last name and they're not a bit concerned about it. Last name, address and phone number are some good basic concepts to teach them. Good luck!

Michelle said...

oh my GOSH they are cute....ACHOO MOMMY....

Emily said...

What cutie girls! Both of my boys learned to identify all of their letters and numbers using those bathtub foamies (as well as a little help from Sesame Street,). But now they are mostly chewed up or lost (thanks to my 2 year old). I need to find a new set to use with Macy!

SunflowerStories said...

Megan never stops impressing me! She rocks that alphabet! Good job teaching full names, too. We taught my son our first names & last names and he immediately started calling us Doug and Deborah instead of mommy and daddy.

Kari said...

Your girls are awsome!! Loved that video. "Mommy Bissel" LOL to funny. Way to know those ABC's Megan!! I am pleased you found us and am happy to have another family with a lil extra special!!